“Creating nurturing, caring, and enriching environments for your children.”

At Under5, we're dedicated to offering a comprehensive Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum. This curriculum is the heart of our educational philosophy, aimed at nurturing every part of a child's development.
Our EYFS Curriculum includes the Montessori philosophy, focusing on self-directed learning, hands-on exploration, and fostering independence. We understand that each child learns differently, so our curriculum is designed to cater to diverse learning styles.
The Multiple Intelligences Theory recognizes that intelligence comes in many forms. We celebrate the variety of talents and abilities among our children, offering opportunities to develop linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligences.
jolly phonics
To boost literacy, we incorporate the Jolly Phonics technique. This program uses a fun and systematic approach to teach reading and writing through songs, actions, and stories. We make phonics enjoyable, fostering a love for language and laying the foundation for strong literacy skills.

Call Us: 01033929332 | info@under5preschool.com | Head Office: Villa 11, St. 261, New Maadi, Cairo, Egypt